BC PNP Business Investor or BC PNP Entrepreneur Immigration stream is one of the immigration category under BC PNP. This category is designed for experienced entrepreneurs who is ready to invest in and actively manage a business in B.C. As this program allows businesses to invest in the province of BC, it is widely known as Business Investor Program. Hence this program help in economic development and getting immigration on bases of investment. Under this category investor is being evaluated for amount of experience, skills, job opportunity. As a result of which It helps investor to know which business will be economically better and also better for getting immigration.
Personal who is willing to apply for BC PNP can calculate rough points by using this BC PNP Entrepreneur point calculator.


Business Owner - Manager Experience *

You must provide details of your business/work experience of last 10 years. Do not DUPLICATE in both section

Senior Manager Work Experience *

You must provide details of your business/work experience of last 10 years. Do not DUPLICATE in both section

Personal Net Worth

Your total Current Assets (Cash and Liquid Fund)*


You should have at least $50,000 in current asset OR Personal net worth of more than $600,000 to be eligiable in program

Your total Personal Net Worth*

You should have at least $50,000 in current asset OR Personal net worth of more than $600,000 to be eligiable in program

Personal Investment

Eligible Personal Investment *


Number of FTE (Full Time Equivalent) jobs created & Maintained *


English Language Proficiency *

Education Level *

Age *

Canadian Work Experience, business experience, or studies from within Canada for at least 12 months*

Business exploratory visits to British Columbia *

Business Concept Factor

Industry Sector of the proposed business*

"Destination tourism" refers to businesses that target tourist directly where its business is primarily focused on tourist attraction rather than potential spin-off activities from the tourism industry.

Significant Econimic Benefits *

Location of Business According to Regional District *

Business Experience Only *

Direct experience is defined as experience gained in the same industry and sector corresponding to first 3 digits of proposed NAICS number * Related Experience is defined as experience gained in a similar industry operating in a related business line as the proposed business.

Work experience Only *

This only count Senior Management work experience

Language Ability (Bonus)*

Commercial Viability *

Out of 24 points, How much would you score your business considering Business improvement or expansion plan, Market Like, Unique Selling advantage, risk factor and due diligience?


less 33% ownership must have more than $1 Million Investment

Total Points Scored

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